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Prince of Tone overdrive
Analog Man Prince of Tone overdrive
If you can put one into your shopping cart you can buy one - We re-stock POTs every Wednesday at 1pm EST - Please don't buy one to resell on ebay. One POT per order day per customer until we have an excess.
Our Price: $185.00

Availability - time to dispatch:: Subject to availability
Product Code: AMPOT


Add a Patch Cord:
12" switchcraft soldered pancake type patch cord $17 [Add $17.00]

Add a Patch Cord:
6" switchcraft soldered pancake type patch cord $15 [Add $15.00]
Guitar cables

Add a CBI Ultimate 15 foot Guitar Cable $26 [Add $26.00]Add a great sounding 15 foot long guitar cable, black with straight metal soldered Neutrik ends.
Power Cables for your existing multi-power supply

18" Power Cable for PP2 (one straight and one 90 degree end, unless specified in comments) $3.99 [Add $3.99]Does not work with our $15 Boss type power supplies, has 2 male ends for use with multi-outlet supplies like Voodoo Labs, etc

Extra 36" power Cable for PP2 with one 90 degree end $4.99 [Add $4.99]Does not work with our $15 Boss style power supplies, has 2 male ends for use with Voodoo Labs etc

18Volt DC Y-cable PPY for PedalPower-2 $7.99 [Add $7.99]
Guitar cables

Add a guitar cable:
Add a CBI Ultimate 10 foot Guitar Cable $25 [Add $25.00]
Pedal Options

Add an active Buffer:
Add buffer for buffered bypass (no battery room) $45 [Add $45.00]
Optional power supplies

Add a Power Supply:
US 120V 12vDC $18 [Add $18.00]- This USA power supply will give 12V to the pedal instead of 9V, see the pedal description for more info on why you might like this.

Add a Power Supply:
US 120V 9vDC $15 [Add $15.00]- This is a normal 9V Boss type external power supply/adaptor for USA use with 120V AC wall power.

Add a Power Supply:
Euro 240V $15 [Add $15.00]- this is an external power supply/adaptor for use with 220/240V AC to make 9Vdc for the pedal.

Add a Power Supply:
UK 240V $15 [Add $15.00]- this is an external power supply/adapter for use with UK (3 prong) 220/240V AC to make 9Vdc for the pedal.

Add a knob cover:
Add an MXR style knob cover $2.29 [Add $2.29]- This knob cover fits on the larger of the two versions of MXR style knobs we used to use on our AM pedals. It won't fit the knobs we normally use the last few years (except the POT) but if you choose this option we will put the older style knobs on your pedal. They make it easy to turn the knob with your foot. If you want more than one, you can add them to your shopping cart from the Accessories - Pedal Parts menu.

Add a shirt:

Analog Man Prince of Tone overdrive

We also sell the MXR x ANALOG.MAN Duke of Tone which is very similar to this.

Sorry we had to raise the price in late 2024 after over 12 years at the old price. We realized we were not making much profit, as costs had gone up year to year, especially during the pandemic. We will try to hold this price, but may have to raise it (and most other pedals) substantially if the Trump tariffs go through.


One per customer per ordering day. Sorry we only have one waiting list, for the KOT, which takes too much time so we don't have a waiting list for anything else.

We will be putting new batches in stock, on this page, when they are available. Usually on Wednesdays, early afternoon EST (about 1pm). They may be available any time. If you are old enough, you can remember:

is PRINCE (of tone) spaghetti day : Old commercial on Youtube


The POT is pretty much the same as half of the King of Tone, with an external MODE switch standard. It is the same as the KOT with HIGHER GAIN option, so the full range of the DRIVE knob is useful and it has a little more drive at the top than a normal gain KOT. The DISTORTION mode is improved though, for a louder, stronger distortion sound. See http://www.kingoftone.com for more info. Specs are very similar to the DUKE OF TONE which we later designed with MXR and also sell.

Power Jack is standard on the POT.
The TREBLE trimpot is inside, just like the KOT.
There are also two new DIP switches inside! They are a bit subtle at some knob settings and modes:

DIP1 : LO-MID lift switch. The tone from your lower strings will be enhanced a little when DIP switch is ON.

DIP2: TURBO switch- with higher gain settings you'll hear deeper compression, especially in DIST mode. You will hear a brighter, crunchier sound with this on at higher DRIVE settings when this DIP switch is ON.

The three modes, as on the KOT, are:

1) Normal Overdrive mode (OD mode): This is the standard King Of Tone sound, - a touch drive available than a tube screamer. Can get much louder than a tube screamer. The RED side of KOT has this setting from the factory.

2) CLEAN mode : This mode has less distortion, it can be used for clean boosts or clearer, louder sounds. It's sort of a cross between a true clean boost and an overdrive. CLEAN MODE is even less compressed and louder than the OD mode. I love this mode with high drive settings too! The YELLOW side of KOT has this setting from the factory.

3) DISTORTION mode : more distortion than the overdrive mode- a touch of hard distortion. The sound is more compressed, yet retains the pedal's character. Same volume as OD mode.

At low DRIVE settings, or when playing softly, there is not much difference between the three modes, they all can get pretty clean and have the same level at low drive settings. The ability to clean up when playing softly is a very useful feature of this pedal.

The DRIVE knob taper is different than the KOT. It comes up faster and more linear, while KOT has a lot going on from 2:00 to max. So comparison to a KOT with HG option will not be the same at the same knob position unless it's up all the way, where they are the same.

We are making these by hand in China by the same people who are making our Analog Delay. Though it's made in China, we use the same type of parts as the King of Tone - best Japanese chip and capacitors, not cheap Chinese parts. No surface mount parts, NO ROBOTS. Everything is vintage style and hand wired and soldered for easy maintenance and repairs unlike most Chinese pedals and most USA "boutique" machine-made pedals which are disposable if they have any problems like a pot, jack, or switch that wears out.

POWER SUPPLY: A Standard Boss PSA120 type 9V DC adapter will work fine. Center is negative. The pedal uses only about 6mA of current at 9V. You can get a fuzzier sound if you want, at lower voltages, for example the SAG mode on the pedalpower2. When your battery dies you will notice the pedal will not get nice and clean, the sound will be hairier. Use a good Alkaline battery or a power supply for best results. You can use higher voltage for more headroom, 12V is common, 18V is safe too. Clean boost may be improved the most with higher voltage.

CHIPS: You can also try other standard dual op-amp chips in the Prince of Tone. Just make sure you put it in the right way, with the pin#1 dot on the side with the chip socket cut-out. The TS-808's JRC4558D chip sounds good in this pedal, especially with single coil guitars and smaller Fender type amps. You can try a high fidelity chip for the CLEAN mode which may work well.


We made our own case for this pedal, it's lower and a little shorter than our Beano Boost / Orange Squeezer / large SunFace box, and a little bigger than the Astrotone / Peppermint / small Sunface size.
Size is 2.5" wide x 4.5" long x 1.5" tall, not including switch/knobs/jacks.

Buffer option

If you run through some long cables to your amp, or through some tone sucking pedals (volume pedals, etc) you might want to add the optional buffer inside the POT. If you run the POT into a pedal with a good buffer like our ARDX20, then it's not needed at all. There is no room for a battery with the Buffer option. The buffer will work great at higher voltages like 12V or 18V also. See our BUFFER page for more info.


Here is a great video by Mike Hermans of the band Pop Into The Chemist:

Here is a demo of the new DISTORTION MODE from Curtis:

It was nice to see the POT still on Steven Wilson's board in late 2017. Steven Wilson says, in regards to the POT : "yeah".

Gordon Kennedy plays with Garth Brooks among others, and normally uses a KOT. He got a POT also, and said
"I am using the Friedman Dirty Shirley heads into this Box Of Doom ISO cabs for the stadiums. POT for that for sure. It marries up so extremely well with that amp."

Pat Travers picked one up in 2021, and contacted me in late 2023 as he wanted to make a few more touring boards with our pedals. Here's a link to a facebook post with Pat, he's one of the funniest guitarists I have met!

Average Customer Review: Average Customer Review: 5 of 5 5 of 5 Total Reviews: 56 Write a review.

  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Great pedal January 29, 2025
Reviewer: JD from Nashville, TN  
I’ve been on the KOT waitlist for a while and had a decent clone but I finally was able to order one of these and it’s fantastic. This pedal takes it to the next level. If you’re on the waitlist and tired of waiting I would recommend grabbing one of these.

I really like running it at 18v. Great growl but still articulate. It also stacks great with other pedals. I run a Greer light speed into it and really love the tone.

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  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Touch sensitive, Good lows, balanced highs. October 17, 2024
Reviewer: Wicks Music from London UK  
I have had some version of a King of Tone on my board, settling on poorly executed clones when I first started building the ultimate pedalboard.

Now I have experience 1 guitars, 30+ boutique pedals and I recognize good guitar tone and want the best tone possible from an always on Overdrive as my signature guitar tone. I use this pedal in all of my recordings as it produces what I imagine as perfect guitar tone.  
This Prince of Tone earned its reputation as the real deal, the best Overdrive Pedal on the market. I have a Duke of Tone on my other board, and I'm also on the waiting list for the King of Tone.
Seriously just get one, you will not regret it, and if you are not vibing with it at first then take notice of the internal dip switches and treble trimpot to dial in exactly what you need for the character of the overall sound.
Thanks "AnalogMan" Mike and the team at Analogman, I cant say it enough!

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  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Try the boost with an acoustic guitar. May 22, 2024
Reviewer: D from WI  
I've been using my acoustic guitar in my electric pedal board rig for a little while. Partly out of laziness. I do live looping with acoustic guitar. My electric rig has most of the stuff I'd plug an acoustic guitar into, compression, delay, reverb, modulation. That sort of stuff.  

One day I turned on one of my two PoTs, the one set to boost. I was pleasantly surprised. It sounded really good!

I've been using a Prince on acoustic guitar for about a month, so I'm sure it wasn't a fluke- the PoT's boost is actually really great with acoustic guitar w/ piezo pickup.  I have it set just barely above unity volume.

I need the solo to cut through just a tiny bit. It sounds like the PoT is cutting off the boominess, it really helps my solo punch through enough to be heard while not overpowering. Things aren't muddy at all!

The knobs all about noon with the drive at 1:00.  I'm using light compression ahead of the PoT in the signal chain.

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  6 of 6 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 The One June 11, 2023
Reviewer: Captain Awesome from Texas  
You are on this page because the KOT market has collectively lost its mind, and you are wondering if the POT is a satisfactory substitute. While the POT is not a 1:1 match in my experience playing both, it does its own thing absolutely brilliantly.

This pedal has that sound you’re after. At 18v this thing sings from the heavens like nothing else. It’s the difference between a 2 dimensional drawing and a 3 dimensional figure - it’s that good.

The life and articulation you get with the volume knob run high sets the POT apart in my experience, and there are so many great tones you can get with both the Boost and OD. When you dial in that magical setting with the perfect amount of gain it’s like your guitar’s fingerboard takes on a new life.

The personality of each pickup and guitar shines through in a way that accentuates their best qualities, which is exactly what I wanted.

Don’t overthink it. I wish I had started my search here! The POT is an all-timer.

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  4 of 4 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Best overdrive I've ever owned! March 15, 2023
Reviewer: Daniel from Germany  
Update 03/15/23: Managed to order a second POT. One is great, stacking two of them together really is where the magic starts. Unbelievable! ...I assume everything else is said about the POT already in all the other reviews here and elsewhere. All I have to add is: I guess I do own or have owned more than two dozen overdrive pedals in my life, many different kinds, most of them really expensive stuff. The truth is: I've never owned a better overdrive pedal than the POT! The KOT maybe even better, this I might find out in five years from now on ;-) Folks, you really know how to do pedals right! Keep on!

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