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Hammond proudly introduces a new line of revolutionary Leslie speakers, namely the Leslie G27 and Leslie G37, especially designed for the professional guitarist. After countless interviews and hundreds of hours of product testing with famous guitarists around the world, we have developed the perfect Leslie for guitarists.
The Leslie rotary speaker has been a permanent fixture in studios and
on stage for decades. But until now it has always been made with
keyboard instruments, namely the Hammond tonewheel organ, in mind. The
Leslie G37 changes that: it�s a rotary speaker with in-built amplifier
designed for guitarists. The standard elements of the Leslie cabinet
are employed in the G37, with a 12-inch speaker that feeds a rotating
drum, coupled with the famous spinning treble horn. Unlike the
traditional Leslies, where a crossover splits the incoming signal and
sends the high- and low-frequency components to the horn and the woofer
respectively, the 12-inch driver is fed the full-range signal, as in a
regular guitar amp. The horn provides �emphasis�, and helps to provide
the much-loved Leslie sound.
The guitar amp in the new Leslie has been specially designed for the
G37 and has a tube-based preamp and a 100-Watt solid-state output
stage. It�s got two channels � clean and overdrive � and features a
three-band equaliser. A footswitch for channel selection is available,
as is a speed control for the rotors, which is a departure from the
simple fast/slow switch used to control Leslie cabinets that have
preceded this one. This pedal gives the user the power to vary the rate
at which the rotors spin, and therefore create sounds unobtainable on
previous Leslies.
Also seen for the first time on the G37 is a clever feature that
ensures that, when the rotors stop, they always face forwards so the
cabinet can be used like a conventional, fixed-driver guitar amp. If
the resting point of the rotors was uncontrolled (like with traditional
Leslie cabinets), every time the motors were switched off, the sound
coming from the front of the cabinet would be different as it would be
projected in random directions.
A version of the G37 without the amplifier, called the G27, is also
available. This can be used with any guitar amp just like any other
passive cabinet.
