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Rubber washer for under pedal knobs, or strap lock MXR style Rubber Pedal Knob Cover by Dunlop Mutron-III Dzus Fastener for battery compartment
Rubber washer for under pedal knobs, or to be used as a strap lock. As used on Grolsch beer bottles! Keeps your knob settings from getting changed accidentally. Dunlop MXR Knob Cover Protector For Effect Pedal Ecb131. Allows foot control of pedals with 1" MXR style knobs which were used on older Analog Man pedals with the larger MXR style. Analog Man carries the Mutron-III Fastener for battery compartment. These fall off and get lost a lot.
Pedal bottom plate Pedal Box and SWAG for an Analog Man pedal Blue 3PDT switch
Pedal bottom plate
Our Price: $5.00
Blue 3PDT switch
Our Price: $6.00
Pedal bottom plate for various pedals
Pedal Box and SWAG for an Analog Man pedal
Blue 3PDT switch
Barefoot Buttons SwitchHeads Foot Switch Color Caps SwitchHeads Foot Switch Topper, fixed head
Barefoot Buttons
Our Price: $9.95
Barefoot Buttons make it easy to operate your pedals without shoes, and make them look great too. SwitchHeads Color Caps make it easier to see your foot switches. SwitchHeads are used to make it easier for an effects pedal user to access “on/off” and “function” foot switches.
Fuzz Face Rubber tread by Dunlop Pedaltrain power supply mounting bracket kit SwitchHeads Foot Switch Topper, replaceable head
Fuzz Face Rubber tread by Dunlop
List Price: $15.99
Our Price: $11.99
You save $4.00!
Fuzz Face Rubber tread by Dunlop, with the cutout for the smile.
Pedaltrain POWER SUPPLY MOUNTING BRACKETS, for PT jr, 1, 2, 3, and Pro, for Voodoo Labs or other power supplies. SwitchHeads are used to make it easier for an effects pedal user to access “on/off” and “function” foot switches.
Fuzz Face Bottom plate by Dunlop Ibanez TS-808 Switch Reticon R5106 Bucket Brigade chip
Round metal Fuzz Face Bottom plate by Dunlop. Fits old or new pedals. Ibanez TS-808 Switch - Subject to availability.
Analog Man carries the old Reticon R5106 for MXR micro chorus or micro flanger or DOD.