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AnalogMan and Modified Pedals
Albatross pedal
Analog Delay dual ARDX20
AMAZE1 delay control box
Analog Delay AR20DL
Astro Tone Fuzz
Bad Bob Boost Pedal
Beano Boost
About the Beano Boost
Buy Beano Boost
Block Logo Envelope Filter
Boss Effects - Modified
Can you make my Boss Pedal true bypass??
Gain and sound Comparisons
Modify Your Boss Delay Pedal
Modify Your Boss OD/Dist/Etc Pedal
Mods in Japan
SD-1/808 vs DS-1/pro
SILVER Option for SD-1/808
Boss BD-2/Super Overdrive
Boss DD-3 Digital Delay Pedal
Boss DD-6 Digital Delay Pedal
Boss DD-7 Digital Delay Pedal (stock, no mod needed)
Boss DS-1/Pro Distortion
Boss GE-7/Pro Graphic Equalizer
Boss MT-2/Pro Heavy Distortion
Boss SD-1/808 Super Overdrive
Boss TR-2/Super Tremolo
Boss/Ibanez 9 Volt DC Power Supply
See Other Manufacturers for non-modified Boss pedals
The Boss Book
Buffer Pedals
Analog Man Buffer Board
Analog Man Buffer Pedal
Chorus Pedals
Everything You Need to Know About Chorus Pedals
Is this chorus like a uni-vibe?
Sound Samples
Foot Chorus
Mini Chorus
Standard Chorus
Compressor Pedals
Small CompROSSor
Large CompROSSor
Mini Bi-Comp
Everything You Need to Know About CompROSSor Pedals
For Bass and Stick players too!!!
Artists & Reviews
Sound Samples
DOD modified Pedals (stock ones in other category)
All about DOD OD Pedals
Modify Your DOD Pedal
OD-250 yellow pedal
YJM-308 black pedal
Duke of Tone pedal
Ibanez/Maxon Tube Screamers etc
Ibanez Tube Screamer Mini
Ibanez TS9/808 Tube Screamer
Ibanez TS-9DX Tube Screamer Mods
Ibanez TS-808 Reissue Tube Screamer Mods
Ibanez TS-808 35th Anniversary Reissue Tube Screamer
Ibanez TS808HW Hand Wired Tube Screamer
Ibanez TS-808 replacement switch
Ibanez TS-9 30th Anniversary Tube Screamer
Ibanez Tube Screamer Amp TSA15H
Maxon OD-9 Overdrive Mods
Maxon SD-9/Super Distortion
Boss/Ibanez 9 Volt DC Power Supply
Mod Form for sending in with your pedal
Ibanez Tube Screamers History
What is the KWS option???
Sound Samples
What's the difference in sound between a TS-9 & TS-808???
Players of our modified pedals
King of Tone Pedal
MXR pedals (modified)
MXR Dynacomp custom shop CSP-028
MXR Phase 45 custom shop CSP-105
MXR Phase-90 Custom Shop CSP-026
Peppermint Fuzz
Prince of Tone pedal
Sun Bender Fuzz MK1.5
Sun Bender Fuzz MK-IV
Sun Face Fuzz
Sun Face ready to ship
Sun Face Pedal ordering page
Sunface information page
Modify Your Fuzz Face Pedal
Sun Lion Pedal
All About The Sun Lion
New Sun Lion Pedal
AUX switch for Eventide
Custom Analog Man Switchboxes
Favorite switch for Strymon
Manuals for AnalogMan Pedals
Modify or Repair Your Pedal
KLONE mods
Boss Pedal Modifications
Wah pedal Modifications
AnalogMan Pedal Modificatoins
DOD Pedal Modificatons
MXR Pedal Modifications
Way Huge Supa Puss Modification
Maxon Pedal Modifications
Deluxe Memory Man Modifications
Fuzz Face Modifications
Modify your Tube Screamer
Repair Your Pedal
Other Effects Manufacturers A-L
Pedal Preamp APP-1
A/DA Final Phase
A/DA Flanger
A/DA PBF Flanger
AMPEG Scrambler
Bad Bob Booster
About the Bad Bob Booster
Buy the Bad Bob Booster
Black Cat
Bass Octave Fuzz
Bee Buzz Fuzz Boost
Black Cat Stereo Vibe
Black Cat Vibe rack version
Mini Trem
Mini Vibe
Black Cat Mona Wah Modern Deluxe
Black Cat Mona Wah Modern Standard
Black Cat D&S
Black Cat Mona Wah, Vintage Deluxe
Black Cat Mona Wah, Vintage Standard
Black Cat Monster K-Fuzz Pedal
Black Cat Monster K-Fuzz Stompbox
OD-1 / Freddie Fuzz
Ring Modulator
Wee Buzz Fuzz Pedal
Boomerang Samplers and pedals
Boomerang III Phrase Sampler
Boomerang Wholly Roller volume/expression pedal
Boss Effects (Stock)
CE-2W Waza Craft Chorus
MT-2W Metal Zone Waza Craft
AC-3 Acoustic Simulator
BD-2 Blues Driver
BD-2W Waza Blues Driver
Boss PCS-20A PC Cable
DC-2W Waza
DD-20 Giga Delay
DD-3T Digital Delay
DD-6 Digital Delay
DD-7 Digital Delay
DD-8 Digital Delay
DM-2W Analog Delay
DN-2 Dyna Drive
EV-5 Expression Pedal
FBM-1 Fender 59 Bassman Pedal
FDR-1 Fender 65 Deluxe Reverb Pedal
FV-500H/L Volume Pedal
FZ-5 Fuzz
GEB-7 Graphic Equalizer
LS-2 Line Selector
MICRO BR Digital Recorder
ML-2 Metal Core
NS-2 Noise Suppressor
OC-3 Super Octave
RC-2 Loop Station
RC-3 Loop Station
RC-5 Loop Station
RC-50 Loop Station
RE-2 Space Echo
RE-20 Space Echo
RE-202 Space Echo
RT-20 Rotary Ensemble
SD-1W Super Overdrive
TU-3 Chromatic Tuner
TU-2 Chromatic Tuner
VB-2W Vibrato
Boss/Ibanez 9 Volt DC Power Supply
Boss Effects - Modified
Chunk Systems
Octavius Squeezer Bass Synth
Digitech and DOD Whammy etc
Digitech Whammy 5th Generation
DOD Overdrive Preamp/250 (2013)
DOD Phasor 201 (2013)
Digitech Drop
Digitech Whammy DT
Digitech Whammy IV
Dunlop and Jimi Hendrix Pedals
Band of Gypsys Jimi Hendrix Fuzz Face JHF3
Crybaby 535Q Mini Wah
Crybaby Junior Wah
CryBaby Mini Wah
Dunlop DC-Brick M237 power supply
Dunlop Rack Mount Crybaby Wah Pedal
Echoplex EP103
Echoplex Preamp EP101
Eric Johnson Fuzz Face
Fuzz Face Mini Band of Gypsys
Fuzz Face Mini Germanium FFM2
Fuzz Face Mini Silicon FFM1
Fuzz Face red germanium JDF2
Jimi Hendix Crybaby Wah Pedal JH1D
Jimi Hendrix Fuzz Face Mini FFM3
Jimi Hendrix Limited Edition Experience Hendrix Tour Uni-Vibe Guitar Effect Pedal
Joe Bonamassa Crybaby Wah Pedal
Joe Bonamassa Fuzz Face Black
Joe Bonamassa Fuzz Face Copper
Joe Bonamassa Fuzz Face Mini
Octavio Billy Gibbons Siete Santos Pedal
JHMS Jimi Hendrix Shrine Series mini pedals
Jimi Hendrix Fuzz Face JHF1
Jimi Hendrix Octavio
Jimi Hendrix Fuzz Face JHM5
Jimi Hendrix Univibe Pedal JHM7
Jimi Hendrix Gypsy Fuzz pedal JHM8
Volume Pedal Dunlop DVP1
Dunlop DVP3 Volume (X)
Dunlop Volume X Mini DVP4
Electro-Harmonix (Click here for Full List)
About Electro-Harmonix
#1 Echo
2880 Foot Controller
2880 Super Multitrack Looper
8 Step Program Foot Controller
8 Step Program
360 Nano Looper
720 Looper
Attack Decay
B9 Organ Machine
Bass9 Bass Machine
Bad Stone
Bass Metaphors
Bass Big Muff Pi
Bass Micro Synth
Big Muff Pi with Tone Wicker
Big Muff Pi
Cathedral Reverb
Crayon Full-Range Overdrive
Crying Tone Wah
C9 Organ Machine
Deluxe Bass Big Muff Pi
Deluxe Big Muff Pi
Deluxe Electric Mistress Flanger XO
Deluxe Memory Boy
Deluxe Memory Man NANO
Deluxe Memory Man XO
Deluxe Memory Man with Tap Tempo 550-TT
Deluxe Memory Man with Tap Tempo
Dual Expression Pedal
East River Drive
English Muffn
Enigma Bass Envelope Filter
EHX Expression Pedal
Flanger Hoax
Flatiron Fuzz
Freeze - Sound Retainer
Frequency Analyzer Ring Modulator
Germanium 4 Big Muff Pi
Germanium OD
Graphic Fuzz
Good Vibes
Green Russian Big Muff Pi
HOG Foot Controller
HOG Guitar Synthesizer
HOG2 Guitar Synthesizer
HOG2 Foot Controller
Holy Grail Neo
Holy Grail Reverb
Holy Grail Max Reverb
Holy Grail+ Reverb
Holy Stain
Hot Tubes Nano
Intelligent Harmony Machine
J Mascis Ram's Head Big Muff Pi
Key9 Electric Piano Machine
Lester-G Leslie Pedal
Mel9 Tape Keyboard Sounds Machine
Memory Boy Analog Delay
Memory Toy Analog Delay
Metal Muff
Micro POG
Micro Synth
Nano POG
Nano Big Muff Pi
Oceans 11 Reverb
Octavix Octave Fuzz
Pitch Fork
Pitch Fork+
POG2 Poly Octave Generator
Power Adaptor - 24DC-100
Power Adaptor - 9DC-100
Power Adaptor - 9LDC-500
Power Adaptor - 24Vac for vintage EHX
Q-Tron Envelope Filters
Ram's Head Big Muff Pi
Ravish Sitar
Riddle Envelope Filter
Ring Thing Single Sideband Modulator
Soul Food Overdrive
Stereo Electric Mistress
Stereo Memory Man
Stereo Memory Man with Hazarai Digital Delay
Stereo Poly Chorus
Stereo Polyphase
Stereo Pulsar Tremolo
Stereo Talking Machine
String 9 String Ensemble
SuperEgo Plus
Super Pulsar Tremolo
Super Switcher
Switchblade Pro Switcher Pedal
Synth9 Synth Machine
Tone Tattoo
Tri Parallel Mixer
Tube Zipper
Ernie Ball Volume and Wah Pedals
6110 Ernie Ball VP JR Mono 40th Anniversary Volume Pedal
6165 Ernie Ball Stereo Volume / Pan Pedal
6166 Ernie Ball Volume Pedal
6167 Ernie Ball 25K stereo volume pedal
6168 Ernie Ball Volume Pedal with Switch
6180 Ernie Ball VP Junior 250K volume pedal
6181 Ernie Ball Volume Pedal Junior 25K
6182 Ernie Ball MVP Most Valuable Pedal active volume pedal
6185 Ernie Ball Wah Pedal
6203 VP JR Tuner Pedal
About the Ernie Ball Volume Pedals
Angle Solder-on plug 6326
Male - Male Connector
AUX switch for Eventide pedals
Eventide Power Factor
Eventide Power Supply
Eventide H9 Harmonizer Effects Processor
PitchFactor Harmonizer
Mixing Link mic pre and effects loop
ModFactor Modulation effects
Space Reverb and Delay
TimeFactor Digital Delay
Fender Blender Fuzz
Foxrox Aqua Vibe Pedal
Foxrox CC Hybrid Fuzz
Hot Silicon Fuzz
Expression Pedal
FR100 Overdrive
Octron2 Octave pedal
FOXROX Paradox TZF2 Flanger
Paradox TZF
Wah Retrofit
Zim Dual Overdrive
Fuchs Plush and P3 pedals
Fuchs P3 Power Station
Fuchs Tube FX Loop
Fuchs Plush Verbrator
Fulltone Tube Tape Echo
George L's Cables, Plugs & Stuff
George L's Cable Assembly
George L's Instrument Cable
GLs Master Plugs
George L's Stress Relief Jackets - Straight
George L's Stress Relief Jackets - Angle
George L's Cable Checker
George L's Cable Kit
George L's 6 Inch Pre-assembled Cable
George L's 1 Foot Pre-assembled Cable
George L's 10 Foot Pre-assembled Cables
George L's 20 Foot Pre-assembled Cables
Instructions for Assembling Cables & Plugs
JoeMeek pedals
gbQ Distortion generator pedal
FloorQ Compressor pedal
Korg Pedals and Tuners
KORG Pitchblack Advance
KORG Pitchblack Custom
KORG Pitchblack Mini
KORG Pitchblack Tuner
KORG Pitchblack Poly Tuner PB03
Korg PitchChip Headstock Tuner
LAL Effect Pedals
LAL DV Deathtortion DevilTone pedal
LAL Super Oscillo Fuzz (88) Pedal
Cyber Psychic
Leslie Speakers
Leslie G27 for guitar
Leslie G37 for guitar
Other Effects Manufacturers M-Z
MXR Pedals
MXR Carbon Copy Mini
MXR Clone Looper pedal
MXR Phase 95 Mini
MXR Tap Tempo Switch M199
Dunlop MXR DC-Brick M237 Power Supply
MXR Carbon Copy Deluxe M292
MXR Iso-Brick Power Supply M238
MXR CAE MC403 Power System
MXR Carbon Copy Analog Delay
MXR Carbon Copy Bright M269SE
MXR x Analog Man Duke of Tone
MXR Dynacomp vintage 1976 reissue
MXR Phase 45 Vintage 1975 reissue
MXR Phase 90 standard block logo
MXR Phase 90 Vintage 1974 reissue
MXR Talk Box M222
MXR Timmy mini overdrive
Pedaltrains - see accessories
Peterson Strobe Tuners
StroboStomp Mini
StroboStomp Classic Tuner
StroboStomp HD Tuner
Strobostomp 2
Dual Expression Pedal
ASDR Attack Sustain
Aria Disnortion
Class A Boost
EP-1 Envelope Phaser
EP2 Envelope Phaser
Pigtronix FAT Drive
Pigtronix Infinity Looper
Keymaster Effects Mixer REM
Mothership Synthesizer MGS
OFO Disnortion
Philospher King Comp/sustain/Distortion
Philosophers Tone Compressor CSD
PHI Echolution 2 Deluxe Delay
PHI Echolution Delay
PolySaturator PSO
Tremvelope EMT
Pigtronix Power
Rush Pep Box
RMC Wahs by Teese
The Wah Wah Page - 'The History of the Wah'
More History by Geoffrey Teese
Picture Wah RMC4
Wizard Wah RMC5
RMC6 Wheels Of Fire Wah
RMC8 EqWAHlyzer
RMC9 Bass EqWAHlyzer
RMC10 wah pedal
RMC JWSW Joe Walsh Signature Wah
Steel Guitar Black Box by Sarno Music Solutions
Sweet Sound Vibes and Fuzzes
All About The Vibes
MoFaux Vibe
Mojo Vibe
Ultra Vibe II
Pi Face
Pro Bender
Bass Juice Distortion
Bloody Mary Distortion
Fuel Tank Chameleon Power Supply
Fuel Tank Junior Power Supply
Fuel Tank Power Supply
Juicy Lucy Power Supply
Power Tool
Replica Delay Pedal
Reptile Delay Pedal
Room Mate Tube Reverb Pedal
Squeezer Tube Driven Compressor
TONEBUG Reverb pedal
Tremster tremolo
Twin Boost
Little Dipper Envelope Controlled Filter
Van Amps Sole-Mates and Reverbamate
Sole Mate Jr
Van Amps Power Supply
Voodoo Lab
Amp Selector
GCX Guitar Audio Switcher
Ground Control Pro
Pedal Power AC
Pedal Power Digital
Pedal Power ISO-5
Pedal Power Mondo
Pedal Power 2 PLUS
Pedal Power 3
Pedal Power 3 Plus by Voodoo Lab
Pedal Power 4x4
Pedal Switcher
Voodoo Lab power Cables
Wahzoo pedal
Mounting brackets for pedaltrain
Vox pedals
VOX Big Bad Wah
VOX Satchurator Distortion
VOX Tonelab ST
VOX Time Machine Delay
Warwick Rock Bags, Pedalboards, and Cases
Warwick Cable Rock Bag 23000B
Warwick Gigboard 23100
Warwick RockCase RC23000 Pedal Board
Warwick RockCase RC23010 Pedal Board
Way Huge pedals
Purple Platypus
Wah Huge Drive
Wah Huge Geisha Drive Smalls
Way Huge Aqua-Puss Smalls Analog Delay MkIII
Way Huge Camel Toe
Way Huge Conspiracy Theory Smalls KLON overdrive
Way Huge Geisha Drive Smalls 2025 limited light blue
Way Huge Smalls Russian Pickle Fuzz
Way Huge Aqua-Puss Analog Delay
Way Huge Angry Troll Linear Boost
Way Huge Echo Puss Analog Delay
Fat Sandwich
Green Rhino MK-II
Pork Loin
Supa Puss
Swollen Pickle mkII
EWS Brute Drive Eric Gales signature model
AC Booster
AC Comp AC Booster
AC Plus
RC Booster
RC Booster-Scott Henderson
Bass RC Booster
BB Preamp Andy Timmons Signature Model
BB Preamp
Bass BB Preamp
BB Plus
Robotalk with Power Jacks
SP Compressor
Xotic SL Drive
Tri-Logic Bass Preamp (discontinued)
Tri-Logic Bass Preamp II
Z. Vex (Click here for Full List)
Box of Metal - painted
Box of Metal - Vexter
Box of Metal - USA Vexter
Box of Rock
Drip Guitar
Double Rock
Fat Fuzz Factory
Fat Fuzz Factory Vexter
Fuzz Factory
Fuzz Factory Vexter
Fuzz Probe Vexter Series
Fuzz Probe
Instant Lo-Fi Junky Hand-painted
Instant Lo-Fi Junky Vexter
Jonny Octave
Lo-Fi Loop Junky
Nano Head
Octane 3
Ooh Wah 2
Power Plates
Seek Wah
Seek Trem
Super Duper 2-in-1
Super Duper Vexter series
Super Hard On Vexter series
Super Hard On
Tremolo Probe
Volume Probe
Wah Probe
Wah Probe Vexter series
Woolly Mammoth Bass Fuzz
Colby dtb-50 Amplifier
65 Amplifiers London Amp
Ibanez TSA112C Tube Screamer Amp Cabinet
Ibanez TSA15H Tube Screamer Amp Head
Supro USA
Supro Dual Tone 1624T
Batt-o-meter Battery Tester
Cables, Plugs & Stuff
4 inch Pancake patch cord, high quality
4-inch reverse pancake top to side jacks
ARDX20 wet only output cable
CBI 10 foot Ultimate guitar cable
CBI 15 foot Ultimate guitar cable
six-inch Pancake patch cables, high quality
twelve-inch Pancake patch cables, high quality
Ernie Ball 90 degree plug
Ernie Ball Male - Male connector
HOSA 6 inch patch cords
HOSA 6 inch pancake style soldered patch cords
HOSA Insert Y-Cable
HOSA 12 inch pancake style soldered patch cords
Lava Cables, patch cables, solder-free and soldered pedal kits
Cable Assembly for soldered or solderless cable
Lava 12-inch pancake pedal patch cable
Lava 6-inch Mini Ultramafic purple pedal patch cable
Lava 6-inch pancake pedal patch cable
Lava Soldered Pedal Board Kit right angled end
Lava Soldered plug with right angled end
Lava Soldered plug with straight end
Lava solder free angled plug
Lava solder free staight plug
Lava Solder-free Pedalboard kit with straight ends
Lava Solder-Free Pedalboard kit with right angled ends
Lava TightRope Solder-Free Pedalboard kit with right angled ends
Lava Cable wire for their pedalboard kit plugs
Lava wire stripping tool
Sommer GrindyCop Beast Instrument Cables
Stereo Patch Cords
1.5 foot long stereo patch cord
3 foot long stereo patch cord
5 foot long stereo patch cord
15 foot stereo patch cord
VOX VCC Vintage Coiled Cable
Warwick Patch Cables
Warwick RockCable 6meter (18')
Warwick RockCable 9meter (27')
George L's Instrument Cable
George L's 1/4" Plugs
George L's Master Series Plugs
George L's Stress Relief Jackets - Straight
George L's Stress Relief Jackets - Angle
Cable Assembly
George L's Cable Checker
George L's Cable Kit
George L's 6 Inch Pre-assembled Cable
George L's 1 Foot Pre-assembled Cable
George L's 10 Foot Pre-assembled Cables
George L's 20 Foot Pre-assembled Cables
Instructions for Assembling Cables & Plugs
Echo Tapes
Univox Tapes
Echoplex Tapes
Roland Type Space Echo RT1L
Guitar Straps
Jim Weider CDs & DVD
Big Foot CD
Remedy CD
Classic Fender Sound DVD
Licks & Solos DVD
Pedaltrain Pedalboards
Pedaltrain Power Supply mounting Brackets
Pedaltrain Fly
Pedaltrain Mini
Pedaltrain Junior Soft Case
Pedaltrain Junior Hard Case
Pedaltrain Classic 2
Pedaltrain 2 Hard Case
Pedaltrain 2 Soft Case
Pedaltrain 3 Hard Case
Pedaltrain 3 Soft Case
Pedaltrain Novo32 Soft Case
Pedaltrain Novo32 Tour Case
Pedaltrain Pro Hard Case
Pedaltrain Pro Soft Case
All About the Pedaltrain Pedalboards
Power Grip pedal mounting
Pickups - Big T Tele pickup
Big-T Bridge Pickup
Big-T Neck Pickup
Dunlop Strings
D'addario EXL110
Ernie Ball Super Slinky
Wah Plates
Warwick Pedalboard and Cases
Warwick Cable Rock Bag 23000B
Warwick Gigboard 23100
Warwick RockCase RC23000
Warwick RockCase RC23010 Pedal Board
Boss Book
Foot Switches for Amps
Single Switchbox
Single Switchbox with LED
Double Switchbox
Double Switchbox with LEDs
Foxrox Wah Retrofit
TheGigRig products
TheGigRig G2 Pedal Switching System
TheGigRig G3 Pedal Switching System
TheGigRig WetBox Expression pedal
TheGigRig Isolator
TheGigRig Distributor
TheGigRig Virtual Battery-DC
Thegigrig Generator
TheGigRig HumDinger Isolation Buffer
TheGigRig MIDI-8 Switching System
TheGigRig Wet Box effects mixer
TheGigRig Virtual Battery-DC
TheGigRig Virtual Battery-BC
Power Cables, Adaptors, and Converters
CABLE - BAT/R Battery Snap TO Barrel plug
Power cable extension, 10 feet long
Power Cable Female to Female
18Volt DC Y-cable
24Volt DC Y-cable
1/8" Male End Cable PPMIN-R
External Battery power connector
Voodoo Lab Battery Clip Cable
1/8" power cable pigtail adaptor
Standard 19" Cable
Powerall Y-cable for power
Voodoo Lab 36" power Cable
Voodoo Lab Y cable output splitter adaptor - ground Lifted
Voodoo Lab Voltage Doubler Adapter PPAY
Boss PCS-20 Daisy Chain cable
Voodoo Lab Reverse Polarity 18" Cable
Line6 type reverse polarity cable
P3 Power Chain
Power-All Universal Travel Adaptor plug kit
Power-All 5-connector power daisy chain
Power-All power cable extension
Power-All Ground Hound Isolator
Power-All Iso-Pump Voltage Converter
Power Supplies
Dunlop DC-Brick DCB10
MXR Iso-Brick Power Supply M238
MXR Mini Iso Brick M239
Pedaltrain Powertrain 1250 power supply
Pigtronix Power Supply
Battery, non alkaline
P3 Phantom Pedal Power System
Voodoo Lab Pedal Power Digital
Van Amps 12vAC Power supply
Voodoo Lab Pedal Power 3
Voodoo Lab Pedal Power 3 Plus
Voodoo Lab Pedalpower 2+
Voodoo Lab Pedal Power 4x4
Voodoo Lab Pedalpower AC
Voodoo Lab Pedal Power ISO-5
Voodoo Lab Pedal Power MONDO
T Rex Fuel Tank
T Rex Fuel Tank Chameleon
T Rex Juicy Lucy
Fuel Tank Chameleon Power Supply
T Rex Fuel Tank Junior
T Rex Power Tool
Dunlop DC-Brick M237 power supply
Ernie Ball EB6195 Power Supply
Eventide 9vDC Power supply
Eventide Power Factor
MXR / CAE MC403 power System
Power Adaptor - E-H 9DC-100
Power adaptor - Boss/Ibanez Style 9v or 12v DC Power Supply
Boss PSA-120S power supply
Power supply - 18vDC Dunlop ECB-004, barrel plug
Power Adaptor - 9V AC supply
Power Adaptor - E-H 9DC-500 for old Holy Grail
Power Adaptor - E-H 9LDC-500
Power Adaptor - E-H 12AC-1000
Power Adaptor - E-H 18DC-500
Power Adaptor - E-H 24DC-100
Power Adaptor -24vAC 1000mA for some vintage EHX pedals
Power Adaptor - E-H 40DC-100
Z Vex Power Plates (AC Adapters)
Vacuum Tubes
Pedal Parts
3PDT Switch
Analog Man Buffer Circuit Board
Barefoot Buttons
Bottom Plate
Box and SWAG for Analog Man pedals
Fuzz Face Bottom plate by Dunlop
Fuzz Face rubber tread by Dunlop
Ibanez TS-808 Switch
Mutron-III battery compartment fastener
Reticon R5106 BBD chip
Rubber washer for under pedal knobs, or strap lock
SwitchHeads Colored Caps
SwitchHeads Fixed Head switch topper
SwitchHeads Replaceable Head switch topper
MXR style knob rubber
Pedrone switchers
Uni-Vibe Expresssion Pedal
Analog SWAG (shirts, etc)
Analog Man Cuff Beanie
Analog Man Hat (baseball cap)
Analog Man logo Guitar Picks
Analog Man Microfiber Cloth
Box for AnalogMan pedal with Swag
Analog Man Face mask
My Daddy Has 100 Pedals Book
Analog Man Keychain Bottle Openers
Analog Man Koozie beverage cooler
Analog Man T-Shirts
Analog Man Hoodie
Analog Man Large Sticker
Analog Man guide to Vintage Effects
Analog Man Zip Hoodie
KOT T-Shirt
The Art of the Stompbox DVD
Analog Man Guide to Vintage Effects
FUZZ DVD : The sound that revolutionized the world
Yellow Funky Stuff Effects Demo CD
Stompbox Book, hardcover
Vintage and Rarities hardcover book
Gift Certificate
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Pedal Parts
SwitchHeads Colored Caps
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SwitchHeads Foot Switch Color Caps
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SwitchHeads Color Caps make it easier to see your foot switches.